Continuing Masonic Education

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry has now become what Masonry at first was meant to be, a Teacher of Great Truths, Inspired by an upright and enlightened reason, a firm and constant wisdom, and an affectionate and liberal philanthropy.

  • Albert Pike

The goal of the San Antonio Valley Education Committee is to facilitate meaningful discussion through the continued exploration of Freemasonry as a whole. We are the builders of our Temple's, collectively. If we do not set a proper foundation for the Craft to build upon we are wasting our most valuable assets in life. Our time, minds, and spirits. Therefore, we attempt to inspire the Craft to engage their minds and spirit to the betterment of our lives, families lives and ultimately society as a whole. We meet regularly in person and online to discuss different books, topics, degrees, and philosophies. We hope you join us in the journey, because we grow when you do.

In The Beginning

(Our Starting Point of Reference)

Our Areas of Study Today

In the San Antonio Valley, we realize our Brothers have come to us seeking the knowledge that they can only receive through Freemasonry.

Furthermore, Freemasonry is and has always been, a meeting of the minds to discuss and contemplate the mysteries of the ancients, coupled with the most current scientific and philosophical ideals, to find solutions for the roadblocks we all face in today's spiritual and societal norms.

The result is our Continuing Masonic Education groups that we have online and in person! We meet twice a month! First, we discuss a book of our choice, a chapter at a time, via ZOOM! Then, we meet in person at our beautiful Cathedral to discuss each degree, one at a time. This way we can take a deep dive into the boundless sea of knowledge we call Freemasonry! No more wading in the kiddie pool when you become a member of this Valley! You can become a Master of the Craft in mind and spirit!

Continuing Masonic Education

In Person Meeting

Last Thursday of the Month - 7pm

( Dark in November and December)

Continuing Masonic Education

ZOOM Meeting

Third Monday of the Month - 7pm

Morals and Dogma

Written by: Albert Pike

Annotated version: Arturo De Hoyos

The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Written by: Manly P. Hall

Words From A Masonic Mystic

Written by: A.E. Waite

Pillars of Wisdom: The Writings of Albert Pike

Written by: Rex R. Hutchens

The Kybalion Hermetic Philosophy

Written by: The Three Initiates

The Book of Words

Written by: Albert Pike